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Paperless Manufacturing: How G&W Products Impresses Auditors with Plex

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Paperless Manufacturing: How G&W Products Impresses Auditors with Plex

Instant Access to Data Drastically Reduces Audit Prep Time

Cloud technology eliminates the need for paper-based records, making audits easier, faster and less stressful. (1:14)


Video Transcription

Before Plex, we did audits by using large Excel documents, by using large scanned files, as well as using paper documents. In addition, we had an old ERP system that we tried to get some information from, but sometimes it took a while. You had to dig, maybe, seven screens deep to even find the one piece of information that you needed.
Now, with Plex, audits run much smoother in that we're able to retrieve documents and records almost instantaneously. When we're in a conference room or in some type of meeting setting with the auditor, it's very easy just to go ahead and type in what you need, and it's right there for everybody to see. We can take the information from anything out there, we can go back into Plex, and we can trace down to the raw material, which, the auditors are just blown away by that.
Our auditors have had very positive reactions, whether it's an ISO audit or a customer audit because we're able to get the information in such a timely manner to them, and we're not wasting anybody's time. Since we've had Plex, we have conducted over 300 audits and we have had success. We've passed every audit.