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White Papers

Cloud MES: Automate, Track, and Scale

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Tie inventory and production with quality for a real-time manufacturing ecosystem.

Stay ahead of your competition by investing in a key strategic technology for the shop floor. This white paper examines the evolution of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and why the cloud is the best platform for synchronization of MES with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

Download this white paper to learn what to look for in best-in-class cloud-based MES solutions, including:

  • A common production ecosystem that supports a single source of data in real time
  • End-to-end, detailed traceability tying inventory and production with quality
  • Cloud deployment, built for integration to ERP
  • Support of local operations for individual plants that integrates seamlessly with corporate ERP systems

“Manufacturing Execution Systems provide a real-time production ecosystem that controls and monitors the manufacturing process.”

 - "MES in the Cloud" White Paper